gLocal Co., Ltd.

Personal Information Protection Policy

Established date
01 JAN. 2010
Last Update
01 JUN. 2020
gLocal Co., Ltd.(Our company, We, our, or us below) collects your personal information in order to provide you with various legal services. We will protect your personal information as a engaged in the travel business and travel agency business based on the Travel Agency Law, and we will strive to provide you with greater reliability and peace of mind. We will comply with the laws and regulations regarding personal information and handle personal information appropriately.
(1)About the collection of personal information
The ny will not use deception or any other improper means but use legitimate means to obtain personal information
(2)For the use of personal information
We will use personal information to the extent necessary to achieve the following purposes. If we use personal information for any purpose other than those listed below, we will obtain the consent of the individual in advance. We will use the personal information entered in the application form submitted at the time of the ordering sheet for the trip, in addition to using it for contacting the customer, and to the extent necessary for making arrangements for travel services provided by transportation and lodging facilities, etc. (major transportation and lodging facilities, etc. are specified in the contract document) and for the procedures for receiving those services.
※In addition, we may use your personal information in the following cases.
  1. Information on the products, services and campaigns of our and our partner companies
  2. Request for feedback after the trip
  3. Request for questionnaire
  4. Offerring benefits
  5. Generating statistical data
(3)For safe management of personal information
We will take the necessary and appropriate measures to prevent the leakage, loss or damage of personal information and further more manage personal information securely.
(4)Consignment of Personal Information
In the event that outsources all or part of the handling of personal information we manage to a third party, we will conduct a rigorous investigation of the third party and supervise the third party as necessary and appropriate to ensure the safe management of the outsourced personal information.
(5)Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties.
We will not provide personal information to a third party without the prior consent of the individual, unless otherwise stipulated by the Personal Information Protection Law and other laws and regulations.
(6)Disclosure of personal information and correction
If you request disclosure of your personal information, we will promptly disclose it. In such cases, if the identity of the person cannot be confirmed, we will not disclose the information. If there is an error in the content of your personal information, and you request correction, addition, or deletion of your personal information, we will promptly respond to your request after an investigation. In that case, if the identity of the person cannot be confirmed, the ny will not respond to the request.
(7)Perform to re-ensure thorough of staff management
We appoints Mr. Yoshitaka Kawanishi as the Chief Privacy Officer and implements appropriate management of personal information, continuous improvement and thoroughly describe above to our staff up to this point in time, and from here on in.
(8)Changes to the Policy
This policy is subject to change. Unless otherwise specified by us, the revised Policy will be effective upon posting on this site.